
The Dangers of Pretend VCs: How Founders Can Protect Themselves

In the dynamic world of startups, venture capitalists (VCs) are vital. They provide the necessary funding, mentorship, and network connections that help startups thrive. However, not everyone who claims to be a VC genuinely fits the bill. Some individuals adopt the title for the cachet, to enhance their resumes, or [...]

By |July 3rd, 2024|Categories: Fundraising, Investors, Team, Tips & Tricks|Tags: , , |Comments Off on The Dangers of Pretend VCs: How Founders Can Protect Themselves

How To Invest in a Startup as an Angel Investor

tl;dr – Angel investors are generally high net worth individuals who provide capital to early-stage businesses (I.e. start-ups). Angel investing is a great way to provide a high-growth startup with its initial outside capital while investors build a portfolio.  Understanding who can become an angel investor, how to start investing [...]

By |April 28th, 2022|Categories: Fundraising, Investors|Comments Off on How To Invest in a Startup as an Angel Investor

The Problem with Finders

The Problem with Finders tl;dr – When companies have issues raising capital they engage finders.  However, using a finder opens you up to substantial legal and reputational risk for a high cost.  If you do hire a finder make sure they a registered broker-dealer if they are taking a percentage [...]

By |April 9th, 2021|Categories: Fundraising, Tips & Tricks|Tags: , , |Comments Off on The Problem with Finders

Funding Resources for Underrepresented Founders

tl;dr As awareness of the VC funding gap has grown, initiatives designed specifically to invest in companies led by folks from underrepresented backgrounds (e.g., Black, Latinx) have emerged. Underrepresented founders seeking capital for their ventures can tap into these growing opportunities to make it to their next growth milestone.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [...]

By |March 9th, 2021|Categories: Fundraising, Tips & Tricks|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Funding Resources for Underrepresented Founders

5 Things to Keep in Mind When Picking Investors

tl;dr – Startup founders need to consider items beyond capital when choosing investors to join their team.  You must assess investors for personality fit, fund horizon, time commitment, the ability to fill gaps, and belief in you and your team.   As a startup founder, picking the right investors for [...]

By |November 24th, 2020|Categories: Investors, Team|Comments Off on 5 Things to Keep in Mind When Picking Investors

10 Key Series A Terms

tl;dr – A Series A term sheet will serve as the document that defines your definitive deal documents which serve as a baseline for future rounds. Understanding key terms in the term sheet empowers you to better negotiate your rights and understand investor wants while raising [...]

By |September 30th, 2020|Categories: Fundraising, Tips & Tricks, Venture Capital|Tags: , |Comments Off on 10 Key Series A Terms

Money Talk — Funding Your Startup with Revenue Sharing Loans

tl;dr – Understand different loan options - traditional vs. revenue sharing loans - and choose what works best for your business. Below are some key differences and terms to learn. Generally, revenue sharing loans will cost you more than a traditional but also provide the comfort of not having a [...]

By |June 23rd, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Money Talk — Funding Your Startup with Revenue Sharing Loans

Let’s Talk Loans — Funding Your Startup 101

tl;dr - Traditional sources of startup funding are drying up due to the fallout from Covid-19. Traditional loans may be an alternative route to pursue during this time. Below are some key sources and terms to learn. When it comes to funding your startup, there are a few different avenues [...]

By |May 27th, 2020|Categories: Crisis Management, Fundraising|Comments Off on Let’s Talk Loans — Funding Your Startup 101

3 Tips for Startups Dealing with Runway Issues Resulting From the Coronavirus

tl;dr - Make sure you properly transition any employees being terminated or moved into a non cash paying consulting role, review your contracts and negotiate with everyone, and look for alternative financing including the recent SBA disaster loan. No preamble here let’s get right to it. Everyone is worried about [...]

By |March 27th, 2020|Categories: Fundraising, Team|Comments Off on 3 Tips for Startups Dealing with Runway Issues Resulting From the Coronavirus

6 Ways to Finance Your Startup Without VC

tl;dr - If you choose or cannot go down the VC path in financing your startup there are other options. Bootstrapping, finding patient money, crowdfunding, financing via personal loans & credit cards, and reinvesting any profit are paths you can take to grow your startup. My favorite is for a [...]

By |February 19th, 2020|Categories: Fundraising, Investors|Comments Off on 6 Ways to Finance Your Startup Without VC

Board of Directors v. Board of Advisors

What’s the difference? tl;dr – A company’s Board of Directors has decision making authority for major business conducted by the company as well as a fiduciary duty to the company. A Board of Advisors advises the company on strategic matters but does not have decision making authority or a fiduciary [...]

By |November 12th, 2019|Categories: Company Governance, Team|Comments Off on Board of Directors v. Board of Advisors

Accelerators — 7 Things to Keep in Mind Before You Join One (Part 1)

tl;dr - Joining an accelerator can be a great idea for your startup if you feel like you need help with 1) connections to investors, mentors, & partners, 2) filling knowledge gaps through programming and mentors that understand your business and industry, and 3) signaling to the outside world that your [...]

By |October 1st, 2019|Categories: Cap Table Management, Fundraising|Comments Off on Accelerators — 7 Things to Keep in Mind Before You Join One (Part 1)

7 Key Terms in a Convertible Note

After reading about the “proper” way to raise a seed round you decide you are ready to raise capital through a convertible note. At this point you will probably ask yourself – “What are the material terms in a convertible note?” I am glad you asked. Below are 7 key [...]

By |July 26th, 2019|Categories: Fundraising|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 7 Key Terms in a Convertible Note

SAFEs v Convertible Notes – What are the Differences?

tl;dr – Convertible Notes and true debt instruments with interest and maturity dates while SAFEs are generally more founder friendly with the exception of Pro Rata rights. It’s important to understand what market in your area is when deciding which to use in fundraising. You learned of the standard way [...]

By |July 19th, 2019|Categories: Fundraising|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on SAFEs v Convertible Notes – What are the Differences?

How to Properly Raise Seed Capital from Family & Friends

In my last post we ran through a scenario where a founder excitedly decided to sell equity to her uncle, an unsophisticated investor. That decision led to the unintended consequences of inflating the value of the company’s stock at an early stage as well as creating a giant tax liability [...]

By |July 2nd, 2019|Categories: Fundraising, Investors|Tags: , , |Comments Off on How to Properly Raise Seed Capital from Family & Friends

The dangers of selling equity to friends and family for early stage startups

You just received an email from your rich uncle who normally invests in real estate. He is excited about your company and wants to put in $25k for 0.1% of your company, your first outside capital. That gives you a pre-money valuation of $25M! So everything is great, right? Cue [...]

By |June 21st, 2019|Categories: Cap Table Management, Fundraising|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on The dangers of selling equity to friends and family for early stage startups

Should you hire an independent contractor or an employee?

The short answer of course is – it depends. A founder must balance the following needs: Responsiveness Cash burn Ability to control and command Administrative burden Culture & commitment. This blog post isn't a technical one about the nuances about the law - we'll get into that in future posts [...]

By |June 13th, 2019|Categories: Intellectual Property, Team|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Should you hire an independent contractor or an employee?

Non-competes 101

As a startup founder you should be aware that executing a contract containing non-compete and non-solicit language with your team member is an excellent way to protect your company. This post focuses on non-compete provisions. What restrictions are created by non-compete/non-solicit provisions? At a high level the non-compete language restricts [...]

By |May 30th, 2019|Categories: Intellectual Property, Team|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Non-competes 101

Your Startup’s Initial Investors – Up to Series Seed

tl;dr - A high-growth startup will likely eventually need outside capital. Family and friends invest in companies when they are little more than an idea. Angels invest when the startup starts to gain traction. Traditional accelerators invest cash as well as resources for a piece of equity. Seed funds write [...]

By |May 22nd, 2019|Categories: Fundraising, Investors|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Your Startup’s Initial Investors – Up to Series Seed

What is the forgotten founder problem? How to avoid or fix this issue.

tl:dr - A forgotten founder is someone who initially works on the product of a company, never assigns his IP to the company, and re-appears when the company is looking at exit event. The best way to handle this issue is by avoiding it by having them sign an IP [...]

By |May 12th, 2019|Categories: Cap Table Management, Intellectual Property|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on What is the forgotten founder problem? How to avoid or fix this issue.

The Dangers of Pretend VCs: How Founders Can Protect Themselves

In the dynamic world of startups, venture capitalists (VCs) are vital. They provide the necessary funding, mentorship, and network connections that help startups thrive. However, not everyone who claims to be a VC genuinely fits the bill. Some individuals adopt the title for the cachet, to enhance their resumes, or [...]

By |July 3rd, 2024|Categories: Fundraising, Investors, Team, Tips & Tricks|Tags: , , |Comments Off on The Dangers of Pretend VCs: How Founders Can Protect Themselves

How To Invest in a Startup as an Angel Investor

tl;dr – Angel investors are generally high net worth individuals who provide capital to early-stage businesses (I.e. start-ups). Angel investing is a great way to provide a high-growth startup with its initial outside capital while investors build a portfolio.  Understanding who can become an angel investor, how to start investing [...]

By |April 28th, 2022|Categories: Fundraising, Investors|Comments Off on How To Invest in a Startup as an Angel Investor

The Problem with Finders

The Problem with Finders tl;dr – When companies have issues raising capital they engage finders.  However, using a finder opens you up to substantial legal and reputational risk for a high cost.  If you do hire a finder make sure they a registered broker-dealer if they are taking a percentage [...]

By |April 9th, 2021|Categories: Fundraising, Tips & Tricks|Tags: , , |Comments Off on The Problem with Finders

Funding Resources for Underrepresented Founders

tl;dr As awareness of the VC funding gap has grown, initiatives designed specifically to invest in companies led by folks from underrepresented backgrounds (e.g., Black, Latinx) have emerged. Underrepresented founders seeking capital for their ventures can tap into these growing opportunities to make it to their next growth milestone.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [...]

By |March 9th, 2021|Categories: Fundraising, Tips & Tricks|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Funding Resources for Underrepresented Founders

5 Things to Keep in Mind When Picking Investors

tl;dr – Startup founders need to consider items beyond capital when choosing investors to join their team.  You must assess investors for personality fit, fund horizon, time commitment, the ability to fill gaps, and belief in you and your team.   As a startup founder, picking the right investors for [...]

By |November 24th, 2020|Categories: Investors, Team|Comments Off on 5 Things to Keep in Mind When Picking Investors

10 Key Series A Terms

tl;dr – A Series A term sheet will serve as the document that defines your definitive deal documents which serve as a baseline for future rounds. Understanding key terms in the term sheet empowers you to better negotiate your rights and understand investor wants while raising [...]

By |September 30th, 2020|Categories: Fundraising, Tips & Tricks, Venture Capital|Tags: , |Comments Off on 10 Key Series A Terms

Money Talk — Funding Your Startup with Revenue Sharing Loans

tl;dr – Understand different loan options - traditional vs. revenue sharing loans - and choose what works best for your business. Below are some key differences and terms to learn. Generally, revenue sharing loans will cost you more than a traditional but also provide the comfort of not having a [...]

By |June 23rd, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|Comments Off on Money Talk — Funding Your Startup with Revenue Sharing Loans

Let’s Talk Loans — Funding Your Startup 101

tl;dr - Traditional sources of startup funding are drying up due to the fallout from Covid-19. Traditional loans may be an alternative route to pursue during this time. Below are some key sources and terms to learn. When it comes to funding your startup, there are a few different avenues [...]

By |May 27th, 2020|Categories: Crisis Management, Fundraising|Comments Off on Let’s Talk Loans — Funding Your Startup 101

3 Tips for Startups Dealing with Runway Issues Resulting From the Coronavirus

tl;dr - Make sure you properly transition any employees being terminated or moved into a non cash paying consulting role, review your contracts and negotiate with everyone, and look for alternative financing including the recent SBA disaster loan. No preamble here let’s get right to it. Everyone is worried about [...]

By |March 27th, 2020|Categories: Fundraising, Team|Comments Off on 3 Tips for Startups Dealing with Runway Issues Resulting From the Coronavirus

6 Ways to Finance Your Startup Without VC

tl;dr - If you choose or cannot go down the VC path in financing your startup there are other options. Bootstrapping, finding patient money, crowdfunding, financing via personal loans & credit cards, and reinvesting any profit are paths you can take to grow your startup. My favorite is for a [...]

By |February 19th, 2020|Categories: Fundraising, Investors|Comments Off on 6 Ways to Finance Your Startup Without VC

Board of Directors v. Board of Advisors

What’s the difference? tl;dr – A company’s Board of Directors has decision making authority for major business conducted by the company as well as a fiduciary duty to the company. A Board of Advisors advises the company on strategic matters but does not have decision making authority or a fiduciary [...]

By |November 12th, 2019|Categories: Company Governance, Team|Comments Off on Board of Directors v. Board of Advisors

Accelerators — 7 Things to Keep in Mind Before You Join One (Part 1)

tl;dr - Joining an accelerator can be a great idea for your startup if you feel like you need help with 1) connections to investors, mentors, & partners, 2) filling knowledge gaps through programming and mentors that understand your business and industry, and 3) signaling to the outside world that your [...]

By |October 1st, 2019|Categories: Cap Table Management, Fundraising|Comments Off on Accelerators — 7 Things to Keep in Mind Before You Join One (Part 1)

7 Key Terms in a Convertible Note

After reading about the “proper” way to raise a seed round you decide you are ready to raise capital through a convertible note. At this point you will probably ask yourself – “What are the material terms in a convertible note?” I am glad you asked. Below are 7 key [...]

By |July 26th, 2019|Categories: Fundraising|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 7 Key Terms in a Convertible Note

SAFEs v Convertible Notes – What are the Differences?

tl;dr – Convertible Notes and true debt instruments with interest and maturity dates while SAFEs are generally more founder friendly with the exception of Pro Rata rights. It’s important to understand what market in your area is when deciding which to use in fundraising. You learned of the standard way [...]

By |July 19th, 2019|Categories: Fundraising|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on SAFEs v Convertible Notes – What are the Differences?

How to Properly Raise Seed Capital from Family & Friends

In my last post we ran through a scenario where a founder excitedly decided to sell equity to her uncle, an unsophisticated investor. That decision led to the unintended consequences of inflating the value of the company’s stock at an early stage as well as creating a giant tax liability [...]

By |July 2nd, 2019|Categories: Fundraising, Investors|Tags: , , |Comments Off on How to Properly Raise Seed Capital from Family & Friends

The dangers of selling equity to friends and family for early stage startups

You just received an email from your rich uncle who normally invests in real estate. He is excited about your company and wants to put in $25k for 0.1% of your company, your first outside capital. That gives you a pre-money valuation of $25M! So everything is great, right? Cue [...]

By |June 21st, 2019|Categories: Cap Table Management, Fundraising|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on The dangers of selling equity to friends and family for early stage startups

Should you hire an independent contractor or an employee?

The short answer of course is – it depends. A founder must balance the following needs: Responsiveness Cash burn Ability to control and command Administrative burden Culture & commitment. This blog post isn't a technical one about the nuances about the law - we'll get into that in future posts [...]

By |June 13th, 2019|Categories: Intellectual Property, Team|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Should you hire an independent contractor or an employee?

Non-competes 101

As a startup founder you should be aware that executing a contract containing non-compete and non-solicit language with your team member is an excellent way to protect your company. This post focuses on non-compete provisions. What restrictions are created by non-compete/non-solicit provisions? At a high level the non-compete language restricts [...]

By |May 30th, 2019|Categories: Intellectual Property, Team|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Non-competes 101

Your Startup’s Initial Investors – Up to Series Seed

tl;dr - A high-growth startup will likely eventually need outside capital. Family and friends invest in companies when they are little more than an idea. Angels invest when the startup starts to gain traction. Traditional accelerators invest cash as well as resources for a piece of equity. Seed funds write [...]

By |May 22nd, 2019|Categories: Fundraising, Investors|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Your Startup’s Initial Investors – Up to Series Seed

What is the forgotten founder problem? How to avoid or fix this issue.

tl:dr - A forgotten founder is someone who initially works on the product of a company, never assigns his IP to the company, and re-appears when the company is looking at exit event. The best way to handle this issue is by avoiding it by having them sign an IP [...]

By |May 12th, 2019|Categories: Cap Table Management, Intellectual Property|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on What is the forgotten founder problem? How to avoid or fix this issue.


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